Court Duty Scheme The Law Centre co-ordinates a duty scheme at Court to offer advice and representation to individuals at mortgage and rent possession Hearings. What we do A solicitor will be available to any tenant facing possession proceedings. The solicitor can take the tenant's full details, negotiate with the landlord, and represent the tenant in court. Free advice and representation is offered to all individuals who do not already have representation. The help is available to tenants and home owners but not to landlords or lenders. No means testing The Legal Aid Agency funds the scheme but, unlike standard public funding for advice and representation, access to the scheme is currently irrespective of income. There is no means test, although details of income and savings are recorded as part of funding requirements. After the hearing After the Hearing a letter is sent, setting out the circumstances of the case and explaining what has happened at Court. This includes what Orders the Court has made and outlines any need for further advice. Where further advice is necessary, the individual will either be given an appointment or referred to the appropriate agency. We recommend Seeking advice as early as possible and avoiding relying on the availability of the duty scheme to get advice. However, if this has not happened an individual can turn up at Court and be seen. Arriving at least half an hour before the time of your Court hearing. Bringing all Court papers and any paperwork relating to Housing Benefit. The more information the adviser/solicitor has, the better. Find out more about what you to expect in your hearing, and how to prepare, here.