I suffer from depression which sometimes impacts on my ability to keep on top of day-to-day tasks which left me with very little money. I wasn't able to feed my children and pay my rent, so I stopped paying it.

Eventually the arrears got so high that my landlord told me that they were taking me to court. I didn't know what to do. I was convinced that me and my children were going to be left homeless which was absolutely terrifying.

When I went to Court I didn't realise that there would be anyone there to represent me. But there was.

A solicitor from the Nottingham Law Centre spoke with me and I explained what had happened. She was so nice and reassured me that things could be sorted. The solicitor managed to agree for my hearing to be adjourned so that I could get the help I needed.

I was given an appointment at the Law Centre and over the next few weeks the staff there helped me sort everything out. When I went back to Court I was told I'd be able to stay in my home. I was so relieved.

Before all of this I had no idea that Nottingham Law Centre even existed. I am so grateful that they do. Thank you!

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