About us News 'Must tell my neighbour' #EUTellThem NEWS RELEASE Wednesday 2 June 2021 Nottingham Law Centre launches awareness campaign as time is running out for EU Settlement Scheme applications. An urgent new campaign aimed at contacting Nottinghamshire’s more vulnerable, hard-to-reach EU citizens is being coordinated by Nottingham Law Centre. The aim is to make sure that everyone eligible to apply to the government’s EU Settlement Scheme knows they need to act fast before the 30 June deadline. The Nottingham charity’s word-of-mouth campaign, ‘Must tell my Neighbour’ #EUTellThem is asking residents across the city and county to speak to a neighbour, a friend or family member who is either an EU, EEA (includes Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) or Swiss citizen, and encourage them to call the Nottingham Law Centre about the EU Settlement Scheme if they haven’t already applied and need help. ‘Must tell my neighbour’ #EUTellThem is encouraging everyone to share a photo of themselves on social media holding the #EUTellThem sign. It is also the theme of a 40” video created from user-generated content and designed to be shared on all social media channels. The clip goes live from 14th June when radio, TV and news and social media coverage across Nottinghamshire will reinforce the message. The campaign already has the support of the Nottingham Trussell Trust Foodbanks, and Grace Church who are helping with the video production. Sally Denton, a senior lawyer at Nottingham Law Centre says: “We need as many people as possible to spread the word that time is running out to complete the EUSS documents and submit them to the Home Office. Our message is simple: ‘get in touch with us if you want to protect your rights and benefits, and remain in the UK.’ The service is free of charge to anyone who, for whatever reason, will find going through the application process confusing or technically challenging. Perhaps they don’t have access to a computer or a smart phone; they may struggle to understand the language or process or be a bit wary of official forms and afraid of making a mistake. “Some people will have lived in the UK for many years, or they may be homeless or in care, and don’t know that it is now the law to apply to remain here. At the Nottingham Law Centre, we can go through the paperwork with them, but they do need to call now and fix an appointment with one of our advisers.” According to the Home Office, over 5.4m EU applications have been received since the Scheme launched in 2019, but concerns remain over vulnerable citizens who do not apply. Nottingham Law Centre is one of a network of national organisations funded to advise and support the most vulnerable individuals and families to comply with the legislation introduced following the UK’s departure from the European Union on 31 December 2020. The Home Office has increased its promotional messages to ensure everyone who needs to will comply with the law. The nationwide media campaign will help the Nottingham Law Centre’s work in contacting the hard-to-reach. A typical social media post reads: ‘Do you know an elderly or vulnerable EU, EEA or Swiss citizen who was living in the UK before 31 Dec 2020? They need to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme by 30 Jun 2021 to protect their rights and benefits’. Anyone concerned about how to meet the EU Settlement Scheme requirements by 30 June can call Nottingham Law Centre on 0115 978 7813. ENDS Sally Denton, a senior lawyer for Nottingham Law Centre is available for an interview (not Wed 2 June). Subject to client agreement and media requirement, the Centre will endeavour to offer someone for comment about the EUSS help received. Images: Supporting the Nottingham Law Centre #EUTellThem campaign Oliver Taylor of Arnold Mark Pinks of Ruddington Editor Notes About the EUSS If an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen and their family members have lived in the UK for many years or have a permanent residence document or EEA Biometric Residence Card (BRC), they still need to apply to the EUSS (or apply for British Citizenship) by 30 June 2021 to continue to live and work in the UK. An application must be made for every eligible child within a family. Parents should apply on behalf of their children, even if they have already applied and been granted a status themselves. Eligible close family members living overseas can apply to join an EU, EEA or Swiss family member who started living in the UK by 31 December 2020. They can apply to come to the UK at any point. More information on joining family members can be found on GOV.UK. Those who have successfully applied to the EUSS can access their pre-settled or settled status online, update their personal details, and get a ‘share code’ to provide their status to others at www.gov.uk/view-prove-immigration-status. About Nottingham Law Centre Nottingham Law Centre provides free accessible, accountable and effective specialist services in areas of the law that have the greatest impact on disadvantaged sections of the community. Services are particularly targeted towards disadvantaged and vulnerable sections of society whose access to legal advice is often limited or non-existent. The Centre is based at 119 Radford Road in Hyson Green, Nottingham. Nottingham Law Centre is a registered charity and operates on a not-for-profit basis. The Centre is part of the national Law Centres Network which has existed since the early 1970s to defend the legal rights of local people. www.nottinghamlawcentre.org.uk www.lawcentres.org.uk