Michael Varnam Awards 2017 Our awesome Housing solicitors, Anne Downey and Sally Denton, have been nominated for the Michael Varnam Awards! The awards were set up by Dr Michael Varnam, a Sneinton GP, who worked tirelessly to help disadvantaged people. The awards were started to help raise awareness of issues with health and inequalities and also to recognise those who dedicate their time and energy to making a change. Sadly Dr Varnam died in 2006 but the awards have continued in his honour. Sally and Anne have been recognised for their exceptional contribution to improving the health and wellbeing of local people. This is as a result of their work on the Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme. More details about the HPCDS can be found here but, in summary, the Court Duty Scheme provides on-the-day emergency advice and advocacy to anyone facing possession proceedings. The service is not means assessed and no appointment is required. People can simply turn up at Court and either Anne or Sally will represent them regardless of their circumstances. Last year they represented 1,001 people on the scheme; pretty impressive numbers. Whilst Anne and Sally don’t do what they do for recognition (they are far more interested in achieving a positive outcome for their client) we are really pleased that all of their hard work has been recognised. The presentation will take place on Wednesday 25th October, 2017. We’ll keep you posted!